How to Enhance Your Website With Google Analytics

Free things should be the best things all through day to day existence.

That would include Google Analytics, in my opinion. Do you make use of it?

You can get a complete breakdown of your website traffic by using Google Analytics. Google provides it free of charge.

To put it another way,

it is free in every functional sense. A month to month cap of 5,000,000 site visits applies.

It is considered “happy to do” to pay for web traffic analytics if your website receives

5 million unique visitors per month.

In any case, taking into account that it doesn’t meet the meaning of “best,” what works everything out such that benefit?


It might be able to assist you in creating more content for your website visitors.

How? An illustration of how Analytics data can be used is as follows:

You have 16 pages on your medium-sized website, one of which lists job openings at your business.


Your “employment” page typically ranks second when looking at the breakdown of your monthly website traffic over the course of six months.


You have the chance.

By adding a section to your home page with a link to the employment page, you can now improve your website by making it easier to get there. From the business page,

you can likewise make it simpler to get to other import pages, list deals,


and update data. In the event that you simplify it to get from the work page to other significant pages, you will see an expansion in rush hour gridlock to those pages. Your website’s growth will be aided by its accessibility, which visitors will appreciate.


You won!

Every website I build incorporates Google Examination. It is free and provides useful information about your website traffic. Has your website specialist set this up for you? If you don’t, you’ll miss out on a significant opportunity.


If you would like Analytics installed on your website and monthly traffic breakdowns sent to you via email, please get in touch with me. I provide reasonable web architecture at prices that won’t break the bank.